Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Old Bridge Rifle and Pistol Club. Here is the information necessary to become a probationary member of our club:
Pre-Register for the New Member Orientation meeting which is held on the second Sunday of each month at our indoor range. (link at top of this page).
Located at:
95 Maple Street, Old Bridge, NJ
Please note the meeting starts promptly at 9:00 AM
Individual Membership
The OBRPC has a one-time, non-refundable initiation fee of $320.00.
Annual dues are $384.00 (Including New Jersey Sales tax) and 10 hours of service time per year are required.
Family Membership
Who qualifies for family membership?
A Family member who is the spouse or significant other of an Active, Senior, or Regular member
Dependent children or minors who are under the legal guardianship of a currently Active, Senior, or Regular member.
All family members must fulfill the following requirements:
Twenty-three (23) years of age or younger.
Living at home or full-time student having a current student identification card at the time of application.
Each family member's dues shall be 60% of the rate of the Active members
Initiation fees are waived for family members.
All members are required to possess:
Valid NJ Firearms Identification Card or equivalent
Maintain membership in the National Rifle Association (NRA)
We are a 100% NRA club and affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP)
To apply, please bring the following items:
Firearms ID card or equivalent
Firearm + 50 rounds of ammo suitable for an Indoor range*
6 months dues + 1/2 Initiation fee**